Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Vietnam War - How TV Shaped the War

The Vietnam War was the first televised war in American history.  Because of technological advances in TV equipment, grotesque and in color images were being sent back to the states on a daily basis.  The war was no longer something that the country simply read about, but it was something they experienced. The images were so disturbing to the viewers that the country began to have a change of heart, deciding that the war was senseless and unnecessary; the general public quickly went from supporting the war to protesting it.

This famous image became embedded into the minds of the American people.  A Southern Vietnamese officer (one who was fighting on our side) shot an untried prisoner at point blank.  American's were horrified by the actions being taken over seas.  Many believe that by bringing the images of the war to the public's attention is what helped put an end to the war when it did.

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