Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let's Review Women's Rights

It all began in 1848, at the Seneca Falls Convention; That was the first stone cast for Women's Rights and it created more than just a ripple effect. Unfortunately it was not easy to gain the support of men, especially ones that controlled the journalism industry.  They did everything they could to slow the women's rights movement and hinder the progress the women made. In 1792 (before the Seneca Falls convention), Ladies Magazine became the first thing written solely for the female audience.  The leaders of the movement decided to take action, they began to form their own, more wide spread, brach of the fourth estate.  Though circulation was not abundent the leaders still contined to forge on.  After the meeting in Seneca Falls many men and women signed a declaration or sentiments.  Of all the resolutions propsed and voted on, Women's Suffrage, was the only one that did not pass unanimously.  Only after Frederick Douglass appealed the matter did it pass, and even then it just passed.By the 1850's Elizabth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony joined forces to help further the women's movement.  At the end of the World War I former male slaves had obtained the right to vote, this only ruffled the women's right's activists feathers even more.  It seems as though the harder the women fought, the harder the newpapers fought against them.  Because the fourth estate used it's power of free speech for negative purposes the movement leaders had no choice but to create their own outlets.  Fortunately, today the fourth estate does not typically use it's power to further their own agenda.

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