Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Why Women's Rights?"

I strongly believe in equality, all across the board, not just within Women's Suffrage. I also happen to be a strongly opinionated person, which can sometimes be both a blessing and a curse.  I have no trouble exercising my first amendment rights, whether the situation is greatly important or minor.  One time, in 8th grade, my teacher introduced our Women's Suffrage chapter by ignoring all of the girls in class that day, only picking on the boys, and even going as far as to rewarding them with candy; of course his startegy was unbeknown to us at the time.  Much to my teachers surprise I wasted no time rounding up the rest of the girls in class and organizing a protest the next day before class.  With signs in hand we marched into class demanding for equality among all students.  Though I do not think my teacher expected such a reaction to his lesson plan, I think he was more than thrilled by our enthusiasm.  This is just one example of when I voiced my opinion about equal rights, but it is by far the most memorable.  Women's Rights have always been of interest to me, being a self proclaimed "pseudo-feminist".  That is why when I saw the Women's Rights movement chapter was available as a first project option, there was not a question in my mind that that was the chapter I wanted to do.

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