In "Mightier Than the Sword" Streitmatter mentions many different newspapers and magazines that published horrible things about women and their fight for their rights. The headlines of papers and their diction held nothing back about how they felt about the womens convention at Seneca Falls or the situation all together, for example:
"Women Out of Their Latitude"
"Amazons" who were "bolting with a vengance" - Worcester Telegraph
"Impracticable, absurd, and ridiculous" - Rochester Daily Democrat
and the one quote that stood out the most to me was written by the Albany Daily State Register which states...
that women's rights advocates initially were amusing, like "clowns in the circus" or "gentlemen with blackened faces"
Ironically, women did not receive their right to vote until after freed slave.
There are still people and countries today that look upon women as inferior and are not allowed to vote.
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